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COVID hasn’t been kind to client relationships.
No face-to-face meetings. No lunches. No sporting or social events for schmoozing.
Sure, there are still lots of ways to communicate; Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams, email, texts, and even Tik Tok videos are now common communication tools between account managers and clients.
But the glossy sheen of digital-only relationships is wearing off. Emails are so impersonal, texting seems a bit intrusive, and the novelty of the beach virtual background on Zoom calls has run its course.
So, how do we keep connected with clients without having to enter a meeting I.D.? How do you show clients you think about them, value them, and understand their importance even when you can’t meet face-to-face?
Reconsider corporate gifting.
Remember: your client is also likely working at home and weary of being isolated. Imagine them receiving a well-thought-out gift with a personal note letting them know they are top of mind and valued.
The surprise-and-delight factor is high and goes a long way to differentiating you from your competitors.
Not convinced? Here are five reasons to consider corporate gifting during the COVID pandemic.
One commodity in short supply in 2020 is authentic relationships.
According to the Harvard Business Review, one key to thriving in 2020 is to humanize your company.
How can you do that through a computer screen or from 6 feet away?
A study conducted by Cartwright & Butler concluded that 85% of executives believe corporate gifting strengthened valuable relationships.
The solution isn’t to send the ubiquitous branded water bottle to every client and consider your relationship cemented. In fact, Forbes has said 28% of gift recipients are more likely to want to work with the gift-giver longer if the business gift is memorable (i.e. it has a personal meaning, seems hand-selected, or is timed to a personal or business interaction).
So stop sending your clients mediocre branded swag! If you’re going to gift, send something thoughtful to maximize your ROI.
Forget swag! Gift My Client helps you wow clients with elegant gifts.
During economic downturns or uncertain times, marketing is often the first budget to be cut.
A recent study highlighted that 69% of companies were reducing their marketing budget in 2020, which includes the budget for gifts.
We’re not in the dreaded holiday season full of forgettable piles of corporate gifts (do you remember who got you that 3rd Starbucks gift card?). Investing your time and consideration now into your gifting strategy is guaranteed to stand out from your competition.
According to Gartner, by the end of 2020 customer experience will overtake price and product as the key differentiator between brands.
If you’re not taking advantage of the opportunity to stand out from the competition, someone else will.
Among the changes in 2020, budgets have benefited from lowered business operating expenses. No company-wide lunches, expensive events, client coffees, and our travelling budget pocket has never been so full.
Saving money sounds amazing, right?
You know what doesn’t sound amazing? Saving money at the cost of weakening client relationships, or losing them altogether.
When you factor in how affordable a gift investment can be, corporate gifting during COVID is a customer experience win-win.
Gifting is an investment but it doesn’t have to carry a major cost. The portion of your client-related budget set to gifting is invested directly toward your customer experience and lifetime value.
In most circumstances, research shows recipients of business gifts from vendors or business partners don’t expect to receive gifts that cost over $150.
Also, not to be that person, but gifting is a tax-deductible business expense, so it all adds up.
If your corporate gifting platform offers the opportunity to receive direct feedback, referrals, and increases customer lifetime value – gifting is not a pointless cost but a demonstrable ROI investment. (If your corporate gifting platform does not offer this benefit, talk to us.)
Have you ever bought a birthday present for someone just because they gave you a gift on your birthday? That’s the magic of the Reciprocity Principle.
People are more likely to do something when you’ve already done something for them.
This principle applies directly to corporate gifting. A well thought out corporate gift opens the door to collect customer service feedback or ask a client for a testimonial or referral.
Ask yourself, what would you love to know or receive from your client?
If you do take the opportunity to ask a client for a favour, don’t let your request overshadow your gift.
A Gift My Client realtor client received a personal thank you from 65% of his gift recipients within 48 hours of them receiving the gift. 40% of them also completed the realtor’s customer satisfaction survey.
Gift thoughtfully and create the option for your client to return the favour, then let the reciprocity principle take it from there.
Honestly, it’s been a long 2020.
The boredom and routine of working from home, not leaving the house, and receiving those plain brown packages from Amazon is getting to us all.
Sending a thoughtful gift in attractive packaging with a personal message is sure to surprise and delight your clients.
According to McKinsey, small things that bring joy into your clients’ world are making big impacts.
If my boring Amazon order for an HDMI adapter can make my day (and believe me, it did), imagine the impact a surprise gift with actual thought and care can do.
And wouldn’t you agree that everyone could use a pleasant surprise right about now?